October 4, 2023

Webhooks and Alerts are released!

Zendit is excited to add 2 new features for clients in our latest release; webhooks and alerts 🥳

Webhooks are released 🥳

Webhooks are now available for integrators so they can set up a receiver on their network and configure the URLs to send transaction responses.

With this feature clients can skip the polling for transaction responses and get notifications as the transaction moves through Zendit to completion. A transaction that completes in between the polling may be delivered faster to an integration without the delays between polls against the API.

You can check out more about Webhooks in the Zendit University.

Alerts are also now available ✨

Alerts for system outages, catalog and promotion updates, security notices and low wallet balances are now available in the console and for opt in via email or SMS.

Keep up to date with any system issues, security alerts for your account and when your balance is running low. You can read all about it and how to opt in to specific topics to be delivered to your inbox or phone.

Check out Alerts in the Zendit University.

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