

Wallets in zendit serve as storage for funds used to purchase offers.

As transactions are processed, the balance of the wallet will decrease accordingly. To replenish funds in your wallet, a wire transfer tozendit following the payment instructions when clicking on the Payment instructions for zendit.

Transaction Processing with Wallets

It is important to note that if a wallet is not replenished with sufficient funds, any purchase that exceeds the wallet balance will fail due to insufficient funds. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the wallet has an adequate balance to cover the desired purchases.

In zendit, once a wallet is funded, the available funds can be used to make purchases of offers within the zendit platform.

During the purchase process, the required funds for the transaction will be temporarily authorized and held in the wallet. This authorization ensures that the necessary funds are reserved until the fulfillment of the transaction is complete.

Upon successful completion of the transaction, the funds will be deducted from the wallet balance. If the transaction is unsuccessful, the authorization will be released, and the funds will be returned to the wallet.

Wallet topups

When the wallet is topped up with funds, in the wallet section you can see the history of funding transactions for the wallet.

Upcoming Funding Options

zendit will be adding new payment methods soon. Clients will be able to add a Bank Account to send an ACH payment to fund their wallet, Debit and Credit cards will be added and for users in select countries Sofort payments will be available.

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Dashboard Customization

Setting up your dashboard with how you want to view your data is easy with zendit learn how to customize it.

Analytics Widgets

zendit supports 2 types of widgets: Transaction & Product Widgets and System Performance Widgets.

Sales Reports

zendit supplies a sales report that provides summary level details and a transaction listing for the date period provided.

Product Catalog

The zendit catalog consists of several sections that offer a variety of products for different purposes.


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