Since the zendit client console has evolved a lot and started getting more and more features, we decided to dedicate a page to explain the features and how to use them here.
This guide will walk the user through the features of the zendit console for the business and operations audience.
Wallets in zendit serve as storage for funds used to purchase offers.
The zendit catalog consists of several sections that offer a variety of products for different purposes.
Get alerts to stay informed about upcoming promotions, catalog updates, security updates to a client environment, system outages and webhook failures.
Setting up your dashboard with how you want to view your data is easy with zendit learn how to customize it.
zendit supports 2 types of widgets: Transaction & Product Widgets and System Performance Widgets.
zendit supplies a sales report that provides summary level details and a transaction listing for the date period provided.
This document contains the instructions for installing an eSIM on iOS and Android devices either using the QR Code or doing a manual install.
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